秋田県鹿角市塾家庭教師 塾 Schule 満流儀 安保 満

高校3年英作文 電気の使い過ぎについて


It is often said that modern people use too much electricity. Do you agree?

I think modern people use too much electricity. First, In order to meet the energy demand that cannot be met by thermal and hydroelectric power generation, full-scale commercial nuclear power generation began in Japan around 1970. Isn’t this proof that the people are using too much energy to the point that they have no choice but to rely on dangerous nuclear power generation? Second, we tend to think of electricity as something that should always be there, like water. I think there is no doubt that taking electricity for granted leads to excessive use of electricity. (15×5.5)


tooには良いイメージなし 過ぎたるは及ばざるがごとし(笑)である。

meet the energy demandエネルギー需要を満たす

people are using too much energy to the point that they have no choice but to rely on dangerous nuclear power generation

=people are using too much energy until they have no choice but to rely on dangerous nuclear power generation.

=people are using so much energy that they have no choice but to rely on dangerous nuclear power generation.

think of A as B  AをBと考える、とる。

there is no doubt that ~ ~には疑いの余地はない

take A for granted Aを当然のことと考える

A lead to B, A result in B, B result from A, B come of A Aという原因がBという結果になる
