




① 長さ1メートルのロープからxcmのロープを切り取ったらycmになった。

② ドラム缶に一分間に10リットルの割合で水を入れていくと、x分間にyリットルたまる。

x 1 2 3 4 ・・・
y 2 4 6 8 ・・・

中学三年英作文 暇な時によく自転車を利用しますか?

Do you often use a bike in your free time?


No, I have never even tried to ride a bicycle because I think it is dangerous. Also, I am not in good health so I don’t think I could ride a bicycle as it requires a lot of physical strength.

have+過去分詞 完了、継続、経験を表します。ここでは経験。

never even 動詞 ~することさえない

itはto ride a bicycle を表します。

could 仮定に基づいたことをいうときに使う。 本来自転車に乗れない人の言う話だから。

require ≒ need

高校2年英作文 ファストフード店の是非 


Do you think fast food restaurants are good for people?


It depends on the situation. For people who are short on time and need to eat quickly, fast food restaurants are a good idea. However, most fast food restaurants use a lot of oil and seasonings, so they are not good for people who are concerned about their health.

be short on ~ ~が不足している = lack ~

be concerned about ~ ~を気にする、心配する

高校3年英作文 電気の使い過ぎについて


It is often said that modern people use too much electricity. Do you agree?

I think modern people use too much electricity. First, In order to meet the energy demand that cannot be met by thermal and hydroelectric power generation, full-scale commercial nuclear power generation began in Japan around 1970. Isn’t this proof that the people are using too much energy to the point that they have no choice but to rely on dangerous nuclear power generation? Second, we tend to think of electricity as something that should always be there, like water. I think there is no doubt that taking electricity for granted leads to excessive use of electricity. (15×5.5)


tooには良いイメージなし 過ぎたるは及ばざるがごとし(笑)である。

meet the energy demandエネルギー需要を満たす

people are using too much energy to the point that they have no choice but to rely on dangerous nuclear power generation

=people are using too much energy until they have no choice but to rely on dangerous nuclear power generation.

=people are using so much energy that they have no choice but to rely on dangerous nuclear power generation.

think of A as B  AをBと考える、とる。

there is no doubt that ~ ~には疑いの余地はない

take A for granted Aを当然のことと考える

A lead to B, A result in B, B result from A, B come of A Aという原因がBという結果になる

高校英作文 若者が自分の会社を設立することはいい考えだと思いますか。 

Do you think it is a good idea for young people to start their own companies.

I think starting a company is a very attractive idea for young people because you can start a company that utilizes your hobby and, unlike working for a company, you can work as much time as you want, whenever you want. However, there are conditions. Generally speaking, young people tend to make poor decisions when it comes to running a company because they lack experience compared to adults. Therefore, I think it is best to hold off on running a company until you have gained enough experience in the real world and understand the realities of business. Also, if you fail to run your company, you could end up with a large amount of debt and your relationships with others could be damaged, so I think careful consideration is required.


when it comes to ~ ~に関して言えば ~には名詞が入るので動詞の場合は動名詞

hold off = put off ≒refrain from 延ばす、控える

end up with ~ ~というまずい状態に落ち込む

consideration=deliberation 思慮、熟考

be required=be necessary 必要である

英作文 子どもたちがスポーツをすることは大切だと思いますか?

Do you think it is important for kids to play sports.

はい。 子供がスポーツをすることは大切なことだと思います。 まず、スポーツをすることで体が丈夫になり、健康増進に役立ちます。次に、団体スポーツを通して、子供は社会性を身に着け共存するすべを身に着けます。

Yes, I am sure of the importance in sports. First, playing sports makes the body stronger and helps promote health. Second, through team sports, children can acquire social skills and learn how to coexist.

make A B AをBの状態にする


acqure = get

learn how to ~ ~を(初めて)知る

他にも、他者と競い合うことで競争力がつくCompetitiveness is gained by competing with othersとか、同じ志を持つ友達がたくさん作れるYou can make lots of friends who share the same aspirationsとか…